As we age, the risks of cognitive impairment and emotional disorders increase substantially. Preserving and enhancing positive outcomes is a crucial task.
Alzheimer’s 101
Boost Your Brain and Memory
This program aims to help participants implement new habits to maintain cognitive health while also practicing new skills for better memory performance.
Depression in Later Life
This lesson provides information about depression, anxiety, and suicide in later life and explores strategies for managing depression and related issues, and explains specific resources available to older adults.
Have You Seen My Car Keys?
This lesson explains how memory works, why it sometimes doesn’t, and what we can do about it.
Keep Your Keys
Keep Your Keys is a safe driving program for seniors that focuses on staying mentally and physically fit, understanding new technology, and developing plans for an unexpected need to retire from driving.
Manage Stress for Better Health
This lesson focuses on tools and skills that can help a person manage the daily stresses and challenges they face.
Purposeful Retirement Book Club
The purposeful retirement book club is for adults that are near or thinking about retirement. It invites attendees to think about retirement in new, exciting ways and encourages attendees to envision a new adventure full of purpose and meaning.
RELAX: Alternatives to Anger
Stress Less with Mindfulness
Stress Less with Mindfulness introduces participants to the experience and practice of mindfulness to reduce stress.
Taking Care of You
Taking Care of You is a multi-session program offering practical strategies and experiences to help you deal with the stress in your life.