Goals for health include maintaining and increasing functioning, maintaining or improving self-care, and stimulating social support networks and personal relationships.


A Matter of Balance

The program’s goal is to reduce the fear of falling, stop the fear of falling cycle, and increase activity levels among community-dwelling older adults.

Be Heart Smart

Be Heart Smart is a program for individuals who want to learn more about preventing heart disease by making heart-healthy lifestyle changes.

Chronic Disease Self Management

This national, evidence-based workshop aims to build participants’ confidence in managing their health and keep them active and engaged in their lives.

Chronic Pain Self-Management

This national, evidence-based workshop helps participants, and their support person, deal with the ongoing issues associated with chronic pain.

Diabetes Self-Management

This national, evidence-based workshop helps individuals cope with and manage their diabetes.

Gray for a Day

This interactive simulation experience utilizes an empathic model to educate participants on the age-related sensory and functional challenges some older adults might face.

Keys to Embracing Aging

Keys to Embracing Aging is a multi-state, research-based initiative that aims to promote 12 healthy behavior practices that encourage optimal aging throughout the lifespan.

The Opioid Crisis: What You Need to Know

These educational materials explain what opioids are, the risks associated with them, signs of addiction and overdose, safe storage and disposal, steps to take to address the crisis, and more.

Additional Resources