Brain Health: It’s a No Brainer is a three-part brain health series that looks at the aging brain, memory and lifestyle factors that contribute to brain health. Each of the programs can stand alone or be delivered as part of the series.  The three programs include:

  • Fit Wits – This program discusses an overview of the brain, normal aging changes as well as brain plasticity and cognitive reserve
  • Head Strong – covers six key brain health contributors
    • Quality sleep
    • A healthy diet
    • Exercise
    • Stress management
    • Social connections
    • Intellectual challenge
  • Hold that Thought – covers different types of memories, how memory changes and techniques to help everyday forgetfulness

Each of the programs includes interactive activities and brain challenges as well as an evaluation piece.

Did you join Molly Hofer and I for one or more of our Brain Health Webinars in September?  Did you miss the webinar series but hope to hear more about brain health?  Go to the Archived Webinars to hear the recordings.  For more information, email Chelsey Byers at