How to Stay In Your Home Longer

Leacey Brown | South Dakota State University Extension staff at North Dakota State University and South Dakota State University collaborate on various housing projects, such as the Dakotas Aging in Place Study and Voices for Home Modification of the Dakotas. Additionally, they work together on other Extension initiatives. This blog spotlights their Aging Well Series, […]

Assistive Technology Basics

Erin Martinez, PhD | Kansas State University A revised direct-education program is available for use by all Extension professionals (and others!) – Assistive Technology Basics. Here is a teaser of what assistive technology is, why it’s important, and where you can learn more about the program. What is assistive technology? Assistive technology (sometimes called AT) is any […]

How to Communicate About Aging

If you were asked to describe what makes you see someone as young or old, you probably have some clear ideas in your mind. Younger people are often viewed as rash and inexperienced, while older people are viewed as incompetent and in need of help. The judgements that we make about people because of their […]

Engaging Older Adults in the Community through a County Wide Volunteer Program

Sara Bridgewater, MPH  University of Missouri Extension  Bates County a very rural county in west central Missouri with a population of 16,051 and 77% of the population live in a rural area. Bates County has many health and education concerns including: 38% of the population is obese and 33% of the population is physically inactive […]

Debunking Myths of Grief

Grief, the complex emotional response to loss, is a universal experience that touches the lives of countless individuals. However, society’s understanding of grief is often clouded by misconceptions and myths. In this blog post, we will explore the myths surrounding grief.  At one point or another you may have been introduced to the five stages […]

Social Isolation and Loneliness – A Public Health Crisis?

Author: Sara Richie, M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Social isolation and loneliness are critical concerns for both physical and mental health.  Even pre-pandemic, older adults have an increased risk for social isolation and loneliness because they are more likely to suffer the loss of family and friends or a spouse, live alone or have chronic illnesses […]

Physical Activity – How Much is Enough?

When you engage in regular physical activity, you reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and heart disease. But do you know how much and what type of physical activity we need to obtain health benefits? MyActivity Pyramid is based on the CDC’s Physical Activity Guidelines […]

Struggling with sleep? SLEEP can help.

Robin M. Tucker, PhD, RD, FAND | Associate Professor | Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition | Michigan State University   Sleep has long been overlooked as an important determinant of health. While many of us think that we will “sleep when we’re dead,” lack of sleep will get you dead faster! Insufficient sleep is […]

Caregiver Experiences at the Intersection of Intellectual/Developmental Disability and Dementia

Tori Fleming and Kristin Litzelman | Reviewed by Christi Demitz Key Takeaways Caregivers of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) are using services and contacting agencies less than expected, while caregivers of individuals with dementia contact twice as many agencies and reported using services more frequently Top reasons for not using services are availability (IDD) […]

The Importance of Adult Sibling Relationships and Your Caregiving Journey

| Holly Tiret and Christi Demitz, Michigan State University | One thing you can rely on is that people change as they age, and so do their relationships with siblings. Some look at sibling relationships as an hourglass effect. Very close in the early years, slim to none in the teen and early adult years, […]