A Matter of Balance helps adults 60 years old and up realize that falls — and the fear of falling — are controllable. The program provides information on ways to change your environment to limit risk factors that contribute to falling and will help you find strength and balance exercises to reduce your chances of falling.
Program Benefits
Classes help participants learn to:
View falls and fear of falling as controllable.
Set realistic goals for increasing activity.
Change their environment to reduce fall risk factors.
Promote exercise to increase strength and balance.
Designed to benefit community-dwelling older adults who:
Are concerned about falls.
Have sustained a fall in the past.
Restrict activities because of concerns about falling.
Are interested in improving flexibility, balance, and strength.
Are age 60 or older, ambulatory and able to problem solve.
Target Audience
Older adults with a fear of falling
Program Length
Program participants meet twice a week for 4 weeks, or once a week for 8 weeks (2 hour long classes).
Program Cost
Varies across states.
Equipment Needed
Flip board, markers, tape, pencils/pens, TV, MOB program DVD’s, participant workbooks, healthy snacks, table, chairs sturdy, Name tags, attendance sheet, program pre/post surveys.
A Matter of Balance is offered at many Universities across the North Central Region. Below is a list of contacts at Universities in which A Matter of Balance is offered: