Program Summary

US adults are living longer and healthier lives, and are a dynamic resource in our communities. It can be a challenge, though, for communities to identify how they can best support older residents and their families. Becoming more aging-friendly is a benefit to all communities, helping them become more livable and increasing productivity and community well-being. This program facilitation guide was written to help Extension educators inform communities about this important issue and assist communities in self-assessing their aging-friendliness. The end goal is to catalyze and support the creation of aging-friendly communities throughout the state.

Program Benefits

  • A clear understanding of population aging at national, state, and/or community-levels, and the potential impacts this may have on communities.
  • An understanding of the elements of aging-friendly communities and the importance of aging-friendliness to community well-being.
  • An opportunity to assess the aging-friendliness of the community and to prioritize characteristics for further assessment and improvement.
  • A facilitated dialogue around how to improve the community’s aging-friendliness and goal-setting.
  • Support in assessing the impacts of resultant programmatic or policy changes on community outcomes.

Target Audience

Systems-level (e.g., community coalitions, county boards, other community groups)

Program Length

Varies (1 one-hour program to several multi-hour programs, depending on the needs and goals of the audience)

Program Cost


Equipment Needed

Varies, but may include: laptop/projector for presentation slides; paper questionnaires; paper handouts; paper evaluations

Want to Know More?

You can find the program facilitation guide here.  Click the “Interested in the facilitation guide?” box and provide your contact information so that we may track how the program is being used and support ongoing program improvement and impact assessment. In 2013, an academic article was written using data collected with this survey tool in 2011 and 2012: Perceptions of Aging-Friendly Community Characteristics published in Vol. 8. Issue 2 of The Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy.


If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Kristin Litzelman, University of Wisconsin, at or 608-262-3314.