ELI5: The Social Determinants of Health

Dr. Erin Yelland | Kansas State University To answer your first question, ELI5 is text lingo for ‘explain like I’m five’ and, admittedly, ELI5 posts from various online sources are the only reason I know random things. Example 1: What color would DNA be to the naked eye if we could see it? Translucent, because […]
Gerontology in Family and Consumer Sciences: Where do We Go From Here?

If you weren’t able to listen to our webinar today on Gerontology in Family and Consumer Sciences: Where do We Go From Here?, no worries, you can still catch it on our recorded webinars page. What I want to share a little more about is about the grey literature search that was done to seek […]
Experts on aging outline ideas for overcoming ‘implicit bias’

Quite often in life, without knowing or realizing it, many of us show our own bias; perhaps toward people, situations or even political contests. Erin Yelland says those are implicit biases. “An implicit bias is an attitude or a stereotype that affects our understanding, actions and decisions,” said Yelland, an adult development and aging specialist […]