Loneliness and Social Isolation…What Should We Know and What Can We Do?

|Chelsi Myer and Dr. Erin Yelland, Kansas State University| 2020…what will we hold onto from the year 2020? There have been life-altering changes, high stress, a global pandemic, and discussions of racial, ethnic, and political divides. Among all the chaos, many people are staying home long after stay at home orders were in place. Caution […]

Physicians’ Sharing Strategies for Patient Referrals to Extension’s Health Programs

|Dr. Cheryl Eschbach, Michigan State University| Michigan State University (MSU) Extension is part of a national network of land-grant institutions that implement a variety of evidence-based health programs for state residents. A common challenge for Cooperative Extension is community awareness that these health programs are available. Increasing awareness and familiarity of Extension programs among stakeholders […]