Good Care Takes Planning: Iowa’s Finances of Caregiving Program.

Suzanne Bartholomae, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Extension State Specialist and Naomi Meinertz, M.S., Doctoral Student As more Americans step into the role of family caregiver, many find themselves underprepared, and even in denial of future caregiving responsibilities. Families will often slide into caregiving responsibilities rather than planning for caregiving. Seven in ten Americans will provide […]
Family caregivers face systems navigation challenges, just part of why it is the “most rewarding, and difficult job”

|Dr. Kristin Litzelman, University of Wisconsin-Madison| Family caregivers play a key role in supporting their family members or friends with illnesses or disabilities. When they receive support services and resources such as respite care or training programs, caregivers have lower burden and higher confidence in their role.(1) Yet, few caregivers use the support services available […]
Reframing Aging Initiative

Join GSA as they challenge the “conventional wisdom” on aging with the Reframing Aging Initiative — a long-term social change endeavor designed to improve the public’s understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people contribute to our society. Ultimately, this greater understanding will counter ageism and guide our nation’s approach to […]